
Job Hoppers: How To Avoid Leaving Bonuses, Matches And Other Cash Behind

Job Hoppers: How To Avoid Leaving Bonuses, Matches And Other Cash Behind

While job-hopping is becoming increasingly common, many employees don’t time their exit strategically; they end up short-changing themselves and leaving thousands of dollars on the table.

Is Your Financial Adviser a Fiduciary ... or Just a Douche?

Is Your Financial Adviser a Fiduciary ... or Just a Douche?

The landscape for financial advice is mired in conflicts of interest and an alphabet soup of titles that on the surface convey impartiality and inspire trust. But for years, financial wolves have been cloaked in trusted adviser clothing - masking their real status as self-interested brokers who don’t have your best interest in mind.   The most prudent way to protect consumers would be to ensure that all advisers are required by law to put their consumer’s interest first and, therefore, above their own, what’s known as a fiduciary duty.